Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hardly Workin'

Hey all,

So I've decided to try and make this a daily thing again. I'm typing this up on the car ride home (don't worry, I'm not driving), and I'm pretty much just trying to hang on. All of this excitement about colleges has been making me relax, for some strange reason, and now more than ever I really need to get my head in the game. My college counselor, my parents, and I all met today on where to go, and now that she's tailored my list a bit I have a bit of a better idea on what I'm going to do. Here's my new list of colleges:

- Boston College, Boston University
- Brown
- UC Berkely, UCLA
- Carnegie Mellon University
- U Chicago
- Harvard University
- Haverford College
- Macalester College
- McGill University
- Northwestern University
- Pomona College
- Reed College
- University of Rochester
- Swarthmore College
- Trinity College
- Union College
- Washington University in STL
- Wesleyan University yeah. Exhaustingly long list, I know.

Another contributing factor is this freaking Linux obsession that I've been having. I've successfully installed Xubuntu and have compositing working (Gnome-Do and Docky can actually work, huzzah), and yet it's still just not perfect for me. I tried OpenBox but I'm clearly too much of a noob to manage anything remotely non-GUI oriented, although I'm really loving XFCE. The boot and shutdown times are absolutely outstanding, and I got Conky to work with weather services and a Gmail checker. Mutt's installed, and I'm actually writing this post from Nano because I love the Inconsolata fixed-width font so much.

Finals are only in a few days... I'm kind of freaking out, even though I only have 2 exams. The funny part is that only one absolutely terrifies me, and it's AP Chem: everyone (except me, becuase I was in France at the time) got their labs back, and were subsequently moping the entire rest of the day. Apparently it was one of those assignments where getting a good grade is out of the question and you have to just hope that it doesn't hurt your GPA too badly.

Really haven't been able to get developing on PHP lately, I should start working on that again. My teacher's going to be pretty frustrated when we meet on Saturday and all I'll have done is re-written my code to have it be object-oriented. I have ban functionality working (with an awesome image, thanks Vijay!), although it really doesn't look pretty, which bugs me. I wish I didn't specialize in PHP and Perl so that I could actually design a nice frontend for this thing. That said, it didn't stop Zuckerberg... who am I to underperform Zuckerberg!?

Hope finals are going well for everybody. :)


  1. Why are you having Finals next weekk? So weird... Haha <3 you!

  2. we're on a trimester system, so the schedule's all weird.
