Hello blog! Nothing much has gone on since we've arrived in Montpellier. The drive here was pretty hectic, though. Between my mom's re-learning stickshift, my difficulty understanding how to operate the French GPS, and the frequent speed-cameras situated on the highway, we didn't have much time to relax. Plus, the night before, we all slept horribly. Once we got there, we pretty much chilled (or tried to chill) in our new apartment, where there are only 3 beds and 2 bedrooms. Plus, there's no AC: the only way to keep the place cool is to open up the windows, which means waking up to these really, really weird noises that I think are some birds fighting outside. I think they could be seagulls, but I'm not entirely sure. I guess the pluses are that we have a space that's bigger than our closet of a hotel room in Paris, and that the beach is just a five-to-ten minute walk away. I've spoken to a few people here, and they're all really surprised that I'm American, because apparently, Americans are too lazy to actually learn to speak the language here: the stereotype does exist after all! So yeah, that's pretty much all that's happened since my last post. Then again, I have no idea where my last post left off: there's no WiFi here, and I'm composing this post in OpenOffice until we go park in front of the visitor's center and hijack theirs, because my mom has no shame whatsoever. Next post should come by whenever my mom feels the need for internet again. Until then!
JACKKK you sound like your having so much fun! I miss you! And uk other people miss you too... but I'm the most important one! xD HAHAHA